– SINCE 1940 –
Ektafiskur is a bacalao producer in Iceland. We make high quality Lomos bacalao salted cod fish
Soon you will be able to order high quality fish from Ektafiskur Real fish bacalao. The fish is transported and delivered frozen.

Hot tubs on the black beach
Please note that all information and payments for the Hot tubs on the Black beach is now at Fjöruböðin website at beach.is
Traditional Bacalao
The bacalao cod fish from Ektafiskur is desalted and ready to be cooked. Our flagship product is the traditional icelandic bacalao with a rich taste which is less suitable for spicy dishes.
Special Ektafiskur Bacalao
The specially-desalted bacalao from Ektafiskur is our very own mild bacalao which is specially made for recipes that have more flavours, for example on pizza and spicy bacalao dishes.